Hispanics are Mostly in the White Race

His Imperial Majesty Haile Selassie I, Emperor of Ethiopia and President Kennedy at the UN Oct. 1963

Hispanics are an Ethnicity not a Race. California is so engrained with racism that it is actually necessary to explain that Hispanics are mostly in the White race. The Department of Finance said it best: “For this series, there are seven mutually exclusive groups: Hispanics and six non-Hispanic race groups of Whites, Blacks, American Indians, Asians, Pacific Islanders, … Read more

Black Racial Injustice and Penal Code sec. 745

This pie chart shows if we imprisoned Blacks at the White rate, the result would be almost none in prison.

Racial Injustice and Penal Code section 745 Please note that the judicial council form habeas corpus petition was amended Sept. of 2024 to include an end segment for Pen. Code section 745. A close brother of mine asked if I would look into his case and see if I could find anything. New racial injustice … Read more