Site Overview

This Page Explains the Objective of this Site

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This page will discuss the purpose of the site and what you can expect to learn from it.

This is what we are going to do about injustice

This site is based on California law, yet the principles of law are generally the same throughout the United States. Each state has different procedures, and of course different laws. You must follow the laws, Rules of Court, and procedures for your state if different than California. This site is going to provide you with what you need to survive injustice. The drive that brought you here, was a need to search for something. That something is what this site was created for. What is here, is a path. This path was born of experience. After 12 years of walking along the trail of injustice, many useful aspects have been learned. If you are open to these suggestions, you will find relief. Your site Team Leader was a member of “the criminal defense bar, which has the professional mission to challenge actions of the State.” (Gentile v. State Bar of Nevada, (1991) 501 U.S. 1030, 1051)  Yet my life was executed by criminals calling themselves police in 2012. These criminals did not like that there felonious acts were exposed, so a mountain of false evidence was created to destroy me. Despite proving their claims were lies, the courts denied due process and refused to allow me an evidentiary hearing. The only way to defeat the lies was to reveal attorney-client privilege, which under California law is required to be kept secret at every peril. 
Cal. Bus. & Prof. Code, § 6068 (“It is the duty of an attorney to do all of the following: (e)(1) To maintain inviolate the confidence, and at every peril to himself or herself to preserve the secrets, of his or her client.”)

The resulting result

In order to honor my professional obligations, I was required to declare that these proven false facts, were true.  This ultimately ended my career. For 8 years I fought the case, and was denied due process by the courts the entire time, solely because I was an attorney. Nearly 11 years after, this passage from the United States Supreme Court was located:

“It may be stated as a general principle, that public policy forbids the maintenance of any suit in a court of justice, the trial of which would inevitably lead to the disclosure of matters which the law itself regards as confidential, and respecting which it will not allow the confidence to be violated. On this principle, suits cannot be maintained which would require a disclosure of the confidences of the confessional, or those between husband and wife, or of communications by a client to his counsel for professional advice, or of a patient to his physician for a similar purpose. Much greater reason exists for the application of the principle to cases of contract for secret services with the government, as the existence of a contract of that kind is itself a fact not to be disclosed.” [Emphasis added.]

Totten, Administrator, v. United States (1875) 92 U.S. 105, 107

If we stop believing that we will get our justice,
then who is left?

The Tools Required to Breakdown Injustice

I know first hand what it is to run out of money and have to take over the case yourself, how stressful it is, how hard it is to understand legal topics while under that stress. And how hard it is to even find the laws that apply. I am highly trained and exceptionally skilled, yet it took nearly 11 years to find the case that said I was not allowed to be brought into court. Over that time, I have been picking up all the fragments of legal tools that the law scatters everywhere, and that must be used to free the wrongfully convicted. There are a great many more tools than most people would think. And they will be laid out for you here.

If you are willing, you will learn what tools apply, when to use them and how. But to do so, you must begin to learn a new language, the legal language

This site has been well thought out and organized very specifically to prepare you for battle. First and foremost your mental and emotional state needs to be nurtured, then strengthened, then made battle ready. 

The path is not what you thought it was. (If it was then you wouldn’t be here, you’d be free.) Over time certain truths have been realized. Equally so, others that explain certain aspects better than I could have been located and are provided when necessary. You are requested to watch this fast 14 minute TEDx TALK from a woman that will blow your mind about how to nurture your suffering so that you may perform the required work.

Ain't no one gonna do it fur you.

After that initial recouping and even during, you are going to have to do work and educate yourself. You are going to learn to think like an attorney, read laws, read cases, and write in legal style.

Already, you are starting off from a negative position… the courts hate reading paperwork filed by pro per litigants (unrepresented persons). Because normally they will cite absurd laws, the constitutions of other countries and rely on useless information like laws that have no application to the subject, even though it said what the person wanted it to. (Think about what its like to hear someone calling a strike in a football game, or shooting a three pointer in the third period of hockey; or using eyeliner as blush. It just doesn’t work). Despite being unable to shake the fact that you will have to write pro per under your name, you will be prepared to impress the court with well thought out arguments, in proper format, citing correct laws and basically sounding like a lawyer.

Every legal mind began at square one in law school, and certainly not as a legal mind.  We all stood where you stand right now. We are simply going to crash course you through it.

Because you have no choice. The result of 12 years of gathering every legal tool to prove innocence and to obtain justice and that liberty that is due will guide you and hone your abilities. But chances are you arrived here just as your host did. All the money gone, and a long fight to go. So you will have to learn how to continue on.

When you read the above heading to this section, it felt out of place. That is how simple inferior speech looks to a court. But with practice, you will learn to write, and write well, with power and conviction.

A favorite example of legal poetry

“The authentic majesty in our Constitution derives in large measure from the rule of law — principle and process instead of person. Conceived in the shadow of an abusive and unanswerable tyrant who rejected all authority save his own, our ancestors wisely birthed a government not of leaders, but of servants of the law. Nowhere in the Constitution or in the Declaration of Independence, nor for that matter in the Federalist or in any other writing of the Founding Fathers, can one find a single utterance that could justify a decision by any oath-beholden servant of the law to look the other way when confronted by the real possibility of being complicit in the wrongful use of false evidence to secure a conviction in court. When the Preamble of the Constitution consecrates the mission of our Republic in part to the pursuit of Justice, it does not contemplate that the power of the state thereby created could be used improperly to abuse its citizens” (Northern Mariana Islands v. Bowie, (9th Cir. 2001) 243 F.3d 1109, 1124)


“The ends in our system do not justify the means. Our Constitution does not promise every criminal will go to jail, it promises due process of law.” (Id.)


That is what this site is going to teach you, and prepare you to do: continue on.

The laws and ways to do it, and even templates are available for you to use. But if you do not know how to use them correctly, you can actually hurt your case or the case of the loved one you came here to protect. Because if you raise an issue incorrectly or even just incompletely and lose, you have killed that issue and cannot return to it later. You are better off, slowing down, doing it correctly and doing it right the first time. Yes, that means your loved one sits in prison longer, but doing it incorrectly means they will be in there far longer.

Tools to Combat Injustice

Tools to get your loved one or yourself out of prison, or to have the case overturned include as a few examples:

Collateral attack: habeas corpus, writ of mandate, writ of certiorari, writ of coram nobis or coram vobis or other extraordinary writ, motion to vacate, motion to set aside, etc. Then you move on to the return, the traverse, or maybe just the response and reply. But who does what? When does an action gain jurisdiction and become an action or is it just a special proceeding?

Sound overwhelming? Now you know why we take it slow. If you already knew the ins-and-outs of all of the procedures required for those very weird words, you likely would not be here. Any readers that have legal training may feel they know those words, yet how much we know always feels sufficient, until we see how much we do not know. Also, don’t worry, most attorneys have no idea what those words actually mean, let alone involve. They think they do, but trust me, they do not.

I was a great attorney, yet the vastness of what I did not know about the law is staggering, compared to what 12 years of intense training on the subject of proving innocence has produced.

This site is not written to the lowest, nor the highest of intelligence, it is written for the average person…. to start. As your knowledge builds, so will the language and difficulty. So jumping ahead will only overwhelm you. If you feel you want to jump ahead, at least skim over a lesson to make sure you do have it all. 

Even if you only get one sentence from a lesson, it was worth it.

As Light Exposes Truth, the Injustice Surrenders

This is not going to be easy. You need to dedicate as much time as you can afford. Read in the morning, at lunch, at night. Welcome to your new favorite TV show. This is your new job.

What you will receive for all of your hard work is a chance. The courts have lost integrity, the system is so far beyond broken, that I do not even recognize it. But a chance is all we need. Because it takes one judge or one prosecutor that has courage and ethics, and your chance may just become reality.

Losing sucks. Its horrible. But how does knowing something can be done and doing nothing feel?

You may have noticed that I am not much of a sugar-coater, because you deserve truth. When it comes to your pain and suffering, I am 100% understanding and in your corner. I understand you better than anyone because I have lived it too. Yet, you have a mission to do, and it is my function to prepare you for that mission. So, when it comes to training, you get it straight.

The eclipse moves along and light removes the injustice

In the dark of the sun, we will stand together, we will stand as one.

Surviving Injustice Classes

This section of the site is where you will learn the base tools to win. Our wax on wax off portion. 

Justitia armed for battle with a sword while holding out the scales as a warning that justice will be correcting racial injustice

Surviving Injustice Legal Resources

This section is where you choose the legal tools to use.